See the UK’s most sustainable commercial interiors and meet those making them happen

We are a network of built environment professionals that visits and discusses outstanding low carbon commercial interiors

You are not alone – there are many of us who care deeply about the future of our planet.

To avoid climate catastophe, we must address the 43% of commercial buildings’ lifetime carbon emissions from fit-outs [1]. And global warming is just one of many sustainability concerns including biodiversity loss, social value and wellness. We need real, proven, science-based solutions to create radically more sustainable interiors.

Let’s come together to share proven solutions and support each other to drive change. Now is the time to act.

We all need to see ground-breaking inspirational commercial interiors, learn from those who made the projects happen, and capture those learnings. Landlords, agents, tenants, designers, consultants, and contractors – all of us need to see the answers.

See Net Zero is a non-profit organisation showcasing best practice low carbon commercial interiors, and the solutions they use. Our site visits bring together those who care to support, inspire and empower them to continue their valuable work. And this website is a repository of best practice case studies for future reference.

And we guarantee some fun along the way. Drinks and DJs are just the beginning.

No-one can change a sector on their own, so we extend a very warm welcome to those looking for proven solutions, organisations who share our aims, and those creating wonderful sustainable spaces who are happy to share their learnings.

Coming events

27 November 2024, 5:30 to 7:30pm        Willmott Dixon Interiors’ office, London

See this inspirational interpretation of post-COVID workspace, designed using the Circular Economy and biophilia. Tour the space to learn from the design team which decarbonisation solutions worked and which didn’t.

Early 2025        JLL Northwest office, Manchester

Learn how this ground-breaking office was conceived and how the high quality interior was achieved cost-effectively while minimising carbon emissions.

TBA        Circularity Capital head office, Edinburgh

See how HKSD used the Circular Economy to create an outstanding sustainable headquarters for Circularity Capital.

Join the community

Receive event invitations, low carbon case studies and proven solutions in your inbox.

Contact us

Potential partner organisations and those with projects to share please email the team at Rype Office, who is assisting with organising events, at

Partners (so far)

[1] Treloar, GJ. Et al, 1999, Embodied energy analysis of fixtures, fittings and furniture in office buildings, Facilities, Volume 17, Number 11, pp. 403-409 (Accessed on 28 June 2023 at